Shrewsbury boss Graham Turner has become embroiled in a "major dispute" with the organisers of the pre-season South West Challenge tournament."We were told categorically that we could use five subs, but at our first match were only allowed three," he told BBC Radio Shropshire.
"At this time of year we don't want some of our senior professionals playing a full 90 minutes.
"We're not alone. The other League teams involved are up in arms too."
Accrington, Doncaster and Leyton Orient are also playing in the competition - along with Premier League new boys Blackpool, Scottish side Kilmarnock and a number of non-league clubs.
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Shrewsbury beat Ilfracombe 5-1 in their opening game, and a follow-up win against Rushden on Thursday could see them into the weekend semi-finals and final - which would put further strain on some of the squad.
"I'm looking to play Tom Bradshaw and Dean Holden after their recovery (from thigh strains), but they're not ready for 90 minutes yet - and the way these competition rules are being applied makes it difficult for us," Turner added.
"Having said that, I don't want to take anything else away from how this tournament's been organised. The food, the accommodation and the training facilities have been first class."
Benjamin van den Broek has picked up a slight Achilles strain, but Turner has stressed it is nothing serious.
Source: BBC Sport
Source: BBC Sport